People with uncontrolled EPILEPSY DON'T!! Who knew that? People should say thank you because we don't want to drive and have an accident. No one needs to get hurt. One thing though,we hate waiting for our "chauffeurs" .
I can list plenty of embarrassing reasons:
1. when you make someone wait, you feel bad
2. you punched out on time at work, but leave late because you don't drive
3. after an appointment, you either stand outside or sit back down in the waiting room
4. people ask out of sympathy "do you need a ride" when they see you waiting
5. you make appointments around other people's schedules
Don't feel bad for people with EPILEPSY. We are STRONG! Ask anyone and they will tell you like I will, "I am stronger than you think because of everything I have had to go through." Well, I ought to say numbers 1-5 are about me.
Watching Chef Dennis, David Amerland, and Joshua Berg I posted G+ helps us to communicate with new people since we can not come and go as we please. DRIVING PRIVILEGES!
Roxanne Davenport, "Seize"ure The Day!